Thursday, September 14, 2006

Discovering what this does???

Today i was going to try to upload some images,just for the hell of it,and to see if i can do it.So if nothing appears on here i have failed for the moment,but i will not fail for long and very soon i shall have photos of you my customers and you the reader,plus interesting items i find on the web.Today we are going to update the menu again with some new dishes,and some new ideas,this we do on a regular basis to keep peoples interest who dine on a regular basis.Just had a call from paul the web guy who will tell me tomorrow how to upload images,so for those of you sitting on the edge of your seat,you can relax back into it till then.Watched the gunners win last night,they played ever so well,i am going to say here and now that that is the team of the future.They have so many great young players,and a few older ones too.Remember where you heard it folks.Must go now dont want to bore you,so i will say au revoir


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