Monday, June 02, 2008


I know that many times i have said things on here which i have not yet done,well i intend to rectify that situation very shortly.Pictures. That is the thing that is occupying my mind at the present time,so this week Paul if you are reading this i want you to come round here and show me what to do and how to do it. I will give you your cheque at the same time.
Once again we had a strange weekend.Friday which is always busy wasnt,Saturday was very busy and Sunday was very busy so all in all it was a good week but unpredictable which is a bit of a worry,because you would like to have some idea so you can staff properly.
Teresa is in Portugal this week leaving me to fend for myself,which i can do quite well now for a man.Although i still have Adriana here if things go tits up,which is most unlikely.Teresa really deserves this break.She has had a year to forget, not only did i have a stroke,her mother had a heart attack and a stroke,and she had other problems as well but through the whole thing she has remained the same Teresa,going about her business driving across Sussex to make her curtains,coming back here jumping in the pub wherever she is needed,kitchen portering,waitressing just wherever she is needed.The strange thing about it is she is a leader of people and people respond to her,because she will muck in and get her hands dirty and do what it takes to get the job done.
Gonna sign off now till the next time and watch out for those pictures.I can almost imagine how Charlie Chaplin felt in those first movies all that time ago.


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