Tuesday, February 03, 2009


Now who was it sang that song????was it ACDC OR someone else? answers on a post card please.I was thinking about the words because we are having a party in a few weeks for one of my sons friends,its his 30th birthday.Now i was thinking about it because my kids and their friends have all had their 18th,21st and this is the first of the 30th birthdays.Now that makes me feel a little bit old but a little bit proud,that the kids are not all bad and that kids who drink and have a great time are only carrying on a great tradition handed down from generation to generation.There is nothing wrong with alcohol, you just got to respect it or it will bite you where it hurts.I have not written for a month because i wanted to see how the month went.Well i can report that of the 5 weeks in January 4 were good and 1 was bad,but only a bit bad so i guess thats pretty good overall.
The snow arrived the other day for the first time in years and as usual chaos ensued.Nobody could get to work the trains all stopped and the buses and the planes,but we were busy.Every cloud has a silver lining and in this case the lining was mine.Always amazes me how things get so bad,especially when you see millions of people sliding down hills with their kids.How do people get to the hills?do they drive?but i think its the child in us all we want to do kiddie things like sliding down hills when the rest of the time we spend sitting in front of the tv.I wonder how many people are limping around today?Still why am i complaining more leisure time means more pub time,usually.Will try not to make it so long next time,but you know how it is,i am not on the computer all the time so i forget.


At 1:15 PM, Blogger ellehay said...

Led Zeppelin sang it hun


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