Wednesday, December 13, 2006

My oh my

Christmas shopping has to be a mans worst enemy.I mean i hate shopping at the best of times but christmas shopping takes the biscuit.All those people packing in to sainsburys and tescos buying everything imaginable that nobody wants,then you go on the high street and its dog eat dog,and for what ??do you reckon that makes jesus happy???he must be laughin his head off.At all the stress and the excess over his birthday.The real reason for christmas has been long lost in a sea of commercialism.I am not a religous man though i was brought up catholic,but it seems to me something has gone wrong somehere,and sooner or later the credit card WILL run out then what happens??so many people dont plan they just stick it on credit and maybe go bankrupt in the new year,easy.But its not right.I just had a coffee in lindfield and was subjected to this awful woman blabbing on to her friend about her great kids,it was painful for me and i only overheard them,but it strikes me that bad parenting is not confined to the lower classes.Kids nowadays get what they want,and parents no longer know how to say NO.Maybe its the law that ia an ass i dont know,i know it is difficult to say no to your perfect little toby but sometimes for his own sake thats what you gotta do.Anyway that completes todays rant gotta b off.


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