Thursday, December 07, 2006


The number at the bottom of the home page may confuse the mentally challenged amongst you.But i am a politically correct landlord(ye right) so i shall explain.Its a hit counter,and it records the amount of times people look at the website,so far 283 have looked in a couple of weeks,not bad for a little website.483 is the amount of bookings up to new year,tho we have room for lots more but again it is encouraging for us,and will ensure we are busy over the christmas period.16 is the amount of teams left in the champions league,with four english and one scottish team,marvellous really,and must almost guarantee someone in the final.Also all the english teams are through in the eufa cup,so its all looking good for the new year.75 is the amount of people already booked for new year,i am only having 100 people so get your skates on if you are tinking of coming,there will only be 100 places thats it.


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