Tuesday, November 28, 2006


Been sitting here for the last while chattin with a couple of Haywards Heaths older citizens,turns out she is Lloyd Craggs auntie,and i see now where Lloyd gets it from,she is a bit of a character to say the least.She has been to a funeral in Worth,and she is just refuelling here.
Did something last night havent done for a while,went to Newick for an indian.The food was nice but whatever they put in indian food it keeps me awake,i reckon they use red bull as a sauce.Hence i am now cream crackered,and there is still seven hours left in my day,but true to form i will revive and come strong in the latter part of the evening,maybe i will order some indian food to keep me awake.Listening to Van the man do his ting on the ipod,great things those ipods just stick it on and let it play,what a simple invention but so effective,and like most new things they just get better and better and do more and more,why soon they will even make yer tea for ye.
Got our first Christmas get together tonight,when the guys from the badminton club come to sample our wares,they are good blokes so should be a bit of fun,keep getting christmas bookings so its all quite exciting,got Ian the Piano man here on the 2nd,9th,16th and 18th to add a bit of christmas cheer to the parties.


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