Wednesday, November 22, 2006


Today Jez,the chef man and the reason the witch is now a place to eat great food,done raki on my back.Whats Raki i hear you say,well i am really not sure but i think its something to do with positive energy and stuff like that.I woke up yesterday morning and my back was in agony,no reason i could think of,struggled through the day on nurofen,anadin and fleurie eventually dimmed the pain.This morning Jez suggested i try Raki,initially i thought it was one of his morrocan vegetarian dishes so refused,not at that time of the day,but when he explained i said why not,i dont like taking pills,not even for a hangover.And amazingly i feel a lot better,not completely cured,but definitely better.
We were very busy last night,people eating,people celebrating,it was Elaines birthday,happy birthday my dear,and people watching football.Unfortunately i dont have Sky anymore so we cant show the England home internationals as they are only on Sky.Gotta go now things to do,people to see.


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