Monday, December 04, 2006


We will probably close on monday lunch times in the new year,till april unless we can sort out someone to maybe do a reduced menu.The problem is that john our second chef wants to do a ski season and i dont want to lose him completely so we have come to an amicable arrangement where we want to keep his job for him,because he is a very talented chef and a great guy who grafts his ass off,so i figure its a thing that all young folk should do so i am doing the right thing by him.Anyway thats why we may close on mon lunch time to give jez the main man at least one day a week off.Audrey my old cook would be perfect as she is retired but she may not fancy it.As i say its only one day a week might suit someone,you never know.
Guess the cramp has gone,cant stop writing crap,mind you it beats listening to it,my god when i think how much of that i have listened to over the last twenty years,mountains of it,but i do have to say that there is enough sound heads about to more than make up for the ones who are so far up their own back sides they dont even realise it.They come in all shapes and sizes,and they can be any sex or any colour,a twat is a twat in all languages.When i came here a guy said to me i should keep a diary,i wish now i had,it would make a great sit com,tho some of it would have to be on very late.I was chatting the other day with some of my old clientele ,girls of between 25 and 30 years of age and we were laughing about old times and i feel priviliged to have given so much fun to so many people.Going back to work now gonna have tonight off as i might not get many more chances before christmas.


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