Hope i spelled that right but Adriana the lovely girl who worked here for a few months and then moved to China to teach has been in touch a couple of times,and i told her i would mention her on the blog so here you are Adriana there for all to see on the world wide web.I was sorry to lose her,she was brilliant at what she did,and i know she was trained in computers which only makes your achievements even more impressive.Had a lovely day out in Brighton yesterday,met an old friend Dave "the lion man" Day.He is a remarkable man the same Dave,to see him you would immediately form an impression of a flash bastard,he always wears beautiful suits,loads of gold bracelets,rings,neclaces etc and all emblazoned with lions heads.He has a pub company called The Golden Lion Group,and a lot of the newer establishments will be called something to do with lions.But a nicer kinder gentleman you will never meet,he is a very very generous man,and supports cricket and football in the town,and also supports local football.He was a part of my testimonial committee in 1986 so we have known each other at least 20 years,and i have great respect for what he has done in his life because he started with nothing.
Going to go and sort out a small flood in my cellar,and clean my beer lines.
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