Why does one do these blogs?
Difficult question that but in my case i discovered blogging about 5 years ago i guess in my previous life as a very different type of operator,i call myself an operator because i dont think i fit the bill of your old syle landlord,what with my flip flops and shorts and cool tee shirts,ok so my daughter buys the cool ones the rest are presents.But while i operated the previous place there was a need to connect with the kids and i did it by blogging,and of course the messageboard.I could post pictures and just about everyone who was anyone was made famous on the world wide web by me.There was some great nights and i wrote about them all,and took lots of photos,i had lots of fun but like all good things it had to come to an end.I would have ended it sooner but i was stopped by a legal battle which i waged for 6 years with my brother in law,and finally after all that time emerged victorious but wounded,and it has taken me a few years to get back on my feet,he will never know unless he reads this how close he came to breaking me,but justice prevailed in the end.Anyway i finally started what i had wanted to for years almost two years ago now,and tho it hasnt all been plain sailing by any means we are going places.
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