Thursday, April 26, 2007


ABRAHAM LINCOLN said that you know,i reckon Abraham must have run a hostelry at some time in his life because that statement is so true.I say this because a lady has complained in quite lenghthy style about something i said in my last blog,something about customers pushig their luck and getting shirty.I suppose in hindsight i maybe should not have given that example but i was trying to point out the difficulty and futility of booking tables when the garden is so vast,but this lady took me to task over some things which i feel i should put right.First of all your husband booked with me if i am not mistaken,and i put in the diary 1.30,but that is not really the point,if there are 100 people show up between 12 o clock and 1.45 what pray tell do we ask them to do ???? to wait until after the booking or take their orders and carry on regardlesss.You see my point,if we have 30 orders ranging from 2 to 8 people on the go there has to come a point when the whole system will break down unless we halt and give the kitchen a chance to catch up.Your friends were told we were not taking orders for half an hour,they came back after 20 mins,not half an hour,at this stage the kitchen were still under tremendous pressure and believe me there are not many people could stand the heat in that kitchen.It is not an exact science,and whereas it is your prerogative to come and go as you please there is a sign in the pub warning people that everything is cooked to order,and in very busy times there will be a wait.We pride ourselves on trying to do everything right and if we got it wrong with you i apologise,i am sure we dont get it right all the time going back to ABE LINCOLN,and i quote "you can please all the people some of the time,and some of the people all the time,but you cant please all the people all the time".In this case we did not please you and your group but it was not deliberate.We will take on board complaints and compliments,thank you


At 12:00 PM, Blogger channeal said...

Thank you for replying and for at least saying that you apologise if you got it wrong!

To clear up the booking thing.... Yes, my husband booked with you first. He then got worried that we might not arrive in time, so he phoned again and spoke to a female. That was when the '1:30 for 2:00' came into play. The lady he spoke to was very pleasant and said that there would be no problem at all if we were late (little did she know!) It is a shame that she didn't make a note beside the booking though!

We have eaten at many pubs throughout Sussex and have very occasionally experienced quite long delays. These have always been at pubs that don't take bookings though - and we have always been able to at least put in an order. I think you will find that people will be much happier at having to wait if they can at least put their order in straight away. We British like our queues - and we don't like the thought of somebody jumping into the queue ahead of us!

I am not unsympathetic to your problems. Lord knows, I wouldn't have your job for all the tea in China! Of course, you won't get it right all of the time: sometimes it will be your fault and sometimes it will be the customer's. Others it will just be a misunderstanding. These things are part of life and are usually soon forgotten about.

However... I personally was not really so upset at having to wait, but far more so at reading what you wrote about us on your blog! Complaining about your customers on a public blog is not really the way to make people happy, or to enccourage them to visit you again!

I'd better go..... or you'll accuse me of being 'lengthy' again! I hope you sort out all your teething problems really soon anyway!


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