Wednesday, April 04, 2007


I suppose my younger clients will never have heard of Easter Bonnets but when i were a lad all the girls would wear them,and there were Easter Parades to show them off and competitions,ah yes those were the days.There was always a film on tv with Danny Kaye or Bing Crosbie or some such guy pulling the girl with the best Easter Bonnet and living happily ever after.Course nowadays its a little different,instead of Easter Bonnets we have Baseball caps,now what the tradition there is i am not sure,i mean nobody even plays baseball except a few americans in Hyde Park and i dont think they would have started the craze so i suppose it must have come from some celebrity off the telly,or maybe some pop star,i dont know but its certainly not traditional,now dont get me wrong i am not or never was an easter bonnet fan it just came into my head and i had nothing in particular i wanted to say,so whatever!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Whatever,now i think that comes from Catherine Tate,now i am a fan of hers,i think she is hilarious.Tho i could be wrong there too,but who cares its my blog and i can do or say what i want,and there is not a damn thing anyone can do.


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