Friday, February 26, 2010


Luckily for me i have not had cause to use the system much,when i had the stroke i did and to be honest if left a bit to be desired but yesterday i was confronted with the less than caring attitude of our Health System.First of all i went to the Doctors Surgery because i did not feel well at all.They put me in a seat for the Day Clinic.I waited 45 mins while the only Doctor on duty had a coffee.When there was no sign of life Jarek my brother in law took me straight to Accident and Emergency at the Princess Royal.There i was seen straight away and underwent a whole series of tests,one of which revieled my blood pressure had risen to 250/130,which is very high. I was released about 4.30/5.00.I went home went straight to bed .Two hours later i woke up with a mother and father of a headache,and feeling like i was about to puke at any second.I tried to ward it off but could not so i got Christelle to ring an Ambulance.It took three calls from Christelle and Jarek before anybody came.A very nice lady came in a car and took me back to Hospital.There they put me in a cubicle where i was seen by a very nice man who took my blood pressure which was now 220/112 which is very high still.I then had to wait 3 hours for the Doctor who when she came was very nice and she sent me home with two more drugs.In my sons car on the way home i eventually puked my guts up,really sorry about that Daz.That seemed to settle me down a lot,i felt better.I went to bed,had a good nights sleep and woke up this morning looking like The Elephant Man.My face is enormous.So once again this morning am off to the Doctors Surgery to sort out my face and my blood pressure.You never know whats round the corner do you???


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