Saturday, December 30, 2006


Thought i had died and gone to heaven did ye???i am afraid not.A couple of reasons really why the blogs dried up,number one my daughters computer packed up so she borrowed my laptop which meant that in my quiter moments i could not do the blog and carry on as normal,not so easy when you have to go upstairs and do it,the other reason is i have been so god damn busy my feet have not touched the floor in three weeks,but thats actually a good reason when you run a pub.
Since i last spoke to yawl engerland have handed back the ashes,chelsea have run aground,well not quite but they have dropped a few points,is there any other stuff happened ?? oh ye they hung yer man in eyerack so watch out for the next few days and keep yer eds down,new year approaches and for us that means a party which sold out weeks ago so dont bother comin if ye havent already booked coz the door is shut.Apart from the fact that tickets have been on sale for six weeks i have to be fair to everyone who is coming not just your fly by nighters.
The christmas period itself was a resounding success with all who came full of praise for the food and ambience which makes it worthwhile for us.In the new year we have a few things planned so put them in yer diaries or watch this space,i january we have a new orleans/cajun night,in february we are open 20years so we will have a party,naturally,also in feb we will be having a spaghetti opera night,and the mighty blues fans will be celebrating being the might blues,with some special guests and in march we have st paddies day so plenty to look forward to.Oh i have not forgotten Valentines Day on feb 14th and Mothers Day in march so plenty to keep us all busy in 2007,nothing remains bit to wish you all a happy new year from all here at the witch


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