Saturday, June 16, 2007


Do you have to remind your kids,with a couple of subtle hints or do you just not bother any more.I dont remember ever remembering it when i were a lad,dont even remember it existing,though it must have i suppose.Mind you when i were a lad things were different,we didnt sit in all the time watching crap on the god that is tv,we went out somewhere,anywhere and did stuff,whatever was in we played it and if there was nothing in we made it up.Imagination,something that is completely lacking in most youngsters these days,everything is fed to them on a plate,be it crap or not they lap it all up and whats worse they believe it.But our imaginations were all we had,and whether your dreams were of playing in the cup final at wembley,or heading a rock band on a tour of the world or being a doctor or even a priest god forbid.I suppose the world has changed since the innocent days of the sixties,when i was growing up and the russians were going to nuke america,president kennedy was getting killed along with his brother bobby and people were wearing flowers in their hair and going to san francisco and vietnam.All seems so long ago now,with a whole new set of people wanting to blow us all up for some cause or religion or just for the crack.Dont kow where that all came from but thats bloggin for ye.


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