Thursday, July 26, 2007


Sorry to all you regular readers but i had to go to Ireland for two reasons,one was a friend of mine runs a sports camp for kids near Cork,and that of course allows me to visit my son Darragh,so i went very early Sun morning,3.00am to be precise to catch a flight from Stansted to Cork.This was the only flight that would allow me to watch Daz play against Drogheda United.I arrived in Stansted at 4.30 a.m parked up and caught my flight.What i neglected to do was take any notice where i parked which meant when i came back i had to trawl through 8 car parks to find my car,not very nice when its raining and you are tired,as luck would have it it was in the very last one.Forgot to mention my reason for going,Peter wanted me to do a bit of coaching and talk to the kids,which i was happy to do.Darraghis back almost fit again,and played the last fifteen minutes.As i have said before on here i am very proud of Darragh and on Tues night after having a lovely meal,Peter and i jumped in a cab outside the restaraunt we ate in,Darragh went off home but not before the taxi driver recognised him and eulogised about him all the way back to our apartments,i was dead proud.Cant leave without a big congrats to our man PADRAIG HARRINGTON who did his best to throw away the Open but in the end got it together enough to win it.Well Done Padraig,you deserve it,and i backed him,mind you i have always backed him and he never won before so i guess i am getting my just desserts.And the rain keeps on coming.


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