Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Gerry will be leaving the Building in April

I have been dropping little hints for quite a while now,"summers almost over","the time is nigh","54 and almost out of the game" and the like.I have been in negotiations for months now,and finally agreed a price a few weeks ago.Today we exchanged and i got 10% of the price and will be leaving here on the 28th April.This news will be greeted with great joy by some but hopefully a few will be sad to see me go,i know i will be sad to leave.This place has got my mark and thats for sure but it is a difficult business,especially for someone with my ailment.Maybe if i had not had the stroke i might have stayed on,but i did have it and i am hearing loud and clear what my body is telling me.I will not leave without a party,with Rocol and Sillo and Malcolm and all my musical friends from all over will be here and i shall make a speech probably and maybe even sing a song.Tonight i am going to London to have a meal with my daughter,she is the only female in my life now and the one i most like going out with,strange how life changes.Anyway i thought i would come on here and let you know i am leaving,i wanted to let you know what is going on because i want to say goodbye to you all.


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