I remember that on placards in town when i was a kid,some guy would walk around with a placard on his front and back saying that.Who payed him to do that?must have been some underground church or maybe a watch company,but what a job?imagine if its raining who cares if the time is nigh,its already here, get out of the rain you fool.What does it mean?is it religous ?like the end of the world is coming but everyone knows it is we just hope its not soon.Maybe he is the Harbinger of Doom,some people are forever on about that side of things,but The time is nigh is a bit of a cop out. If your honest the time has always been nigh ever since that was first said,whenever that was,but it must have been a while ago,i have not heard anyone say nigh ever i dont think.Anyway getting off that subject,my Daughter came to see me last week to introduce her new boyfriend.He is Australian and his name is Cameron.This is not usual for Naoise only special boy friends get introduced to the oul fella.We had a nice meal and a few drinks,a sort of getting to know you dinner.I couldnt help but notice Cameron"s hair,it was very modern and very nice Naoise told me but it got me thinking what on earth my ex wifes parents must have thought of me when i first showed up with my hair down my back and a beard.The wild man from Borneo had nothing on me,when i look back at photos now it makes me laugh,it would make you laugh,but it was fashionable,believe it or not.I never considered myself a dedicated follower of fashion but i did have some real dodgy clothes and hair styles.I was once described as the man that fashion forgot,back in 1977/78.
Nothing exciting happening on the sporting front except Ireland drew France in the World Cup play offs.Hard game but not impossible.
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