Friday, October 30, 2009


Over the last couple of days people have asked me where will i go what will i do and although i have not given it a huge amount of thought it does not frighten me in the slightest.I might go to Brighton or Hove Actually or possibly Galway or maybe go and live with my mother or even stay round here,really not that sure,but the point is i have some choices.The things i am looking forward to doing most are things i do not have time to do in the pub game,like go visit my daughter or son at the week end when they have time to see me,or visit my sisters or even my mother when she is not well which is not very often,i also love Horse Racing and Football,i will do both a lot more.I dont have the same insatiable desire for life that i used to have that has been taken a bit by my stroke and the fact i am finally growing up,i think,oh and also i am getting older.Life does not go on forever and there are a lot of things i would like to do before i depart the only problem is we do not know how long we got so one has to squash in as much as one can before the whistle blows.I am quite sure i will find it difficult to move on because this life i chose has a way of getting hold of you.I always enjoyed the vagaries of it and the different people and their different ways,dont think i have liked everybody,because i have not,but i also know that people have not liked me or my way.The ones i would really like to stick two fingers up to,are the begrudgers,that band of people who over the years spoke to me from their ivory towers,telling me i would not last six months as i heard on many occasions,and people who left because my opening hours did not fit in with their lifestyle,tough,and the guy who told me five or six years ago that i would be out of business in four more months,to you my friend i say,"you know nawting",you are a fool.I know who all these people are and i can tell you one thing for sure they will not be getting an invitation to my party,to say goodbye to all my great friends.


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