Sunday, March 30, 2008

Got some important NEWS.

On the 21st April we will close for 4 days.Aaaaaagghhhhh i hear you say but fear not good people the reason for the closure is the next level.Whaaaaaat?????????????? we are stepping up to the next level of what we do.When i started in the food side of things i was unsure of how it would go and so some things were ok but less than perfect.One of those things was the kitchen,you would not believe what can come out of an area so small.So before Christmas i started a kitchen extension which is part of what we hope to produce.
After 4 days in April we should have a kitchen almost twice the size of the present one plus a disabled toilet,and the ladies toilets will become a gents and ladies toilet.In the bar we will tongue and groove the pub and put new curtains everywhere.So on Fri 25th april hopefully you will see a difference,if not then we have failed miserably.
Over the last few days a few people have come to me and asked me if i am selling,i tell everyone the same thing if someone gives me the right money i will sell but i will not sell cheap,thats the way it is.I do not want to leave the business because i love it but money talks even to me.I am carrying on as i always have doing what i think is neccessary to progress so there ye have it guys thats the whole story.


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