Wednesday, September 20, 2006


Now i know what writers block is,imagine if i was any good at this and nothing came out,i would go skint and you would be safe from all of this.Yesterday i had writers block,well that is not strictly true ,i had no idea what to write about that could possibly be of any interest to you my public.Ok so there is not many of you now but just you wait, in time they will be beating a path to my door, wondering who is this genius who writes like he has lost his hair.Nobody ever said it had to make sense,so dont expect miracles i am just started on this writing thing and it should get better when i find a subject i can write about,if you catch my drift.I found out yesterday how to upload pictures but as yet got no pictures and also its not easy do it.

Monday, September 18, 2006


Trying to come up with something new on here everyday is a really fun way to pass the time. Today for instance i have learned that phoebe is actually a mid wife and will very shortly be bringing many babies into the world, but before that she is going travelling, the favourite pastime of the younger generation. What ever happened to "go out and get yerself a permanent and pensionable job", tho i suppose with all the problems with pensions can you blame the yewts for going off travelling. Good luck to them all i say.

On a completely different note, i got to mention that my birthday is coming up soon (4th oct) and for the first time in 30 years i am celebrating it with me mammy and me family, plus a few friends in ireland. Rocol will be playing so a good night is guaranteed. Paul the web site guy has been on and he is coming round later to show me how to upload pictures so i can bring some more light to your collective days.


Sunday, September 17, 2006


Those as most people know are the words of a U2 song,something about a killing in America i think,or was that I DONT LIKE MONDAYS,really not sure now.Thats what happens when you get older,you forget important facts.Well whatever its sunday today and i hope there will be no killings but i know we will be busy so if you are thinking of coming maybe book.