Thursday, April 19, 2007


It seems to me that ever since computers became commonplace that just about everything else has moved on apace.Take music,the charts have been screwed up completely,its now something to do with downloads,but that cannot be very accurate because any student worth his/her salt will download illegally for free,and everyone knows they are the biggest listeners to music,coz they got nothing else to do,sorry you stewdents but you know i am right.But its not only music,you can access just about anything without having to move,right here on your laptop,you can shop,study,watch porn,watch sport,watch whatever takes your fancy.You can post pictures and profiles of yourself and your friends,you can chat to your friends online,I myself will be posting some goals i scored years ago,just got to get it to the computer guy who will put it up here,its all amazing stuff to someone like me who was born in the fifties,and even in that time the world has changed so much,and not always in a good way.With every good thing that happens someone will always find a way of turning it upside down.In America this week we had the usual kid going nuts with a gun and killing 30 odd of his fellow students,and some guy came on tv and was advocating that the kids should have all had guns to protect themselves,wow that would be great if everytime there was a schoolground fight someone gets shot.And why is it this only happens in America??would it be anything to do with their gun laws,which are pathetic i might add,imagine you are allowed buy 12 guns a year without any problen whatsoever,just walk in and get them.Why would anyone normal want 12 guns a year???????? gotta go now lunchtime beckons ............

Tuesday, April 17, 2007


And never was that more apparent than last saturday.It was Grand National Day as anyone who reads this will know,and up until Valentines Brook second time round i was very happy,Simon was going great guns,jumping brilliantly and travelling sweetly when he stumbled and came down and with him went my chances in this years race because i never heard a mention of the others,still there is always next year.But that is not my point.On saturday morning at 04.45 Elaine McIlvenny passed away after a long and extremely brave fight agains the killer disease that is cancer.A braver and more honourable woman i have never met,and my condolonces go out to her husband Colm,and her daughters Alex and Laura and her two young grand children.I have known Elaine for about 18 years or so and a more beautiful woman in every way it would be hard to find,she will be sorely missed by all who had the privilege of knowing her.It was strange because it was the occasion of her daughter Alex"s 30th birtday and a party was booked.True to form Elaine insisted the party go ahead and her life be celebrated,and that is what happened,her daughter has inherited her mothers spirit there is no doubt about that.
On to happier subjects,it would be remiss of me not to mention Irelands stunning win over Bangladesh the other day.This was the same Bangladesh that beat India and South Africa and scared the living daylights out of England.We are talking Cricket here now,and i can hardly believe i am saying it,if you had said this before the tournament you would have been taken away in a straight jacket.I am now thinking about the guy who backed ireland to score over 600 runs and for every hundred they ,get he gets 1000 pounds,and at the moment he is getting wealthier and wealthier,so far he must have at least 10 grand.
Heard this morning that Liam and Marie have produced a bouncing baby boy on 16th,i think i saw Liam doing his bit on sun night when i saw him and Marie walking past the pub,its all part of the inducing process,i think.Congrats guys.