Bonfire Night,Tradition and What it means.
Tonight is Bonfire Night in Lindfield and a big night it is too with the Guy Fawkes parade and the burning of the Guy followed by the fireworks display.People and their kids come from miles around to take part or just watch.It is usually a very cold night,this year the weather so far has been very very mild so it should be a bumper crowd.Here at the Witch its a very busy time,with the crowds gathering outside our doors and following the procession from there,and afterwards returning for a drink or two and to catch up with old friends who come back to the village for the bonfire celebrations.Its a traditional thing to do and something to be proud of,though Health and Safety try harder and harder to mess things up for all.The tradition has been around for hundreds of years and i personally think its great that people carry on the task year after year because i know from experience that fireworks are expensive,and there will be other expenses too.