Thursday, November 05, 2009

Bonfire Night,Tradition and What it means.

Tonight is Bonfire Night in Lindfield and a big night it is too with the Guy Fawkes parade and the burning of the Guy followed by the fireworks display.People and their kids come from miles around to take part or just watch.It is usually a very cold night,this year the weather so far has been very very mild so it should be a bumper crowd.Here at the Witch its a very busy time,with the crowds gathering outside our doors and following the procession from there,and afterwards returning for a drink or two and to catch up with old friends who come back to the village for the bonfire celebrations.Its a traditional thing to do and something to be proud of,though Health and Safety try harder and harder to mess things up for all.The tradition has been around for hundreds of years and i personally think its great that people carry on the task year after year because i know from experience that fireworks are expensive,and there will be other expenses too.

Tuesday, November 03, 2009


I am talking here about something that has bothered me for a long time now,the dangerous situation that has snook up on all of us over the last ten years or so,the plight of the local pub.Years ago there was one on every corner of every street,now they are disappearing faster than Usain Bolt runs his 100 metres.Even round here the Duck has gone along with the Sussex and the Royal Oak,Wivelsfield Green.This has been mirrored all round the country with pubs closing at the rate of six or seven a week.Lots of things conspire against the pub,drinking and driving,the smoking ban and round here the Bars that have sprung up in town,and take pretty much all the lunchtime trade and all the "cool" trade too,tho how cool it is to go to the same bar for years i am not so sure,but how and ever.Eventually more and more pubs will be lost and eventually you will be left with bars in towns,because they are doing business and good luck to them,but i will ask you this in 20 years time will people still want to go to bars? well they wont have a choice because i think the thing that foreign people admire about Great Britain,the Pub will be extinct,and who will be to blame? Joe Public thats who,because he and she have deserted pubs in huge numbers ,causing the above problems.Nowadays life is too fast,very few people are individuals anymore they want their mates like a baby wants its mother,everything must be on tap,and not too far away,does not matter that you have done the same thing in the same place for the last ten years.Life has always been similar i suppose except now its all happening in Bars and not Pubs,so whats the answer i hear you say,unfortunately i dont know,but hopefully someone will heed the warning signs before it is too late.