Monday, January 25, 2010


The snow arrived with a vengeance round about the 2nd January and probably lasted at least two weeks which for us here in the Sunny South East is a lot of snow.Its a funny thing with the snow but it brings people together.People go and walk with their kids because they cant get to work and they meet up with their neighbours and people they did not realise were their neighbours and its all great fun.Of course there are bits that are not great fun but hey ho i have been dealing with that for 24 years and should be used to it by now but it still annoys me a bit.I feel i have to take some people to task about an incident that happened one snowy day recently.Some people came in about 5 o clock having been drinking in the village during the day,which is allowed by the way.They had a few on board,lets say.About 7 o clock i was upstairs when i heard some noise downstairs,i came down to find a couple of lads singing.I knew them both and jokingly said "i pay people if i want to hear singing",one of the guys who was completely ossified by this stage said to me "there is no one in your **ckin pub",to which i informed him that no pub allowed drunken people to sing at the bar and there was no need for that sort of language,they then tried to tell me there were lots of pubs allowed this,well if there are i am glad i am getting out of the business.Can you imagine coming into a pub at 7 o clock with your wife and family and being met by bad singing at the bar,i dont think so.Same old story really,there are always people think they know your business better than you do,well very soon the lunatics can take over the asylum,i wont care,but till then we play by my rules.Glad i got that off my chest.Over the years there have been many such instances,some apologise and life goes on as normal others dont and we never speak again but i can live with that it will not change my life one bit.
Last week i went to Hove to be shown around New Church Road area by Sarah Brady,wife of Liam.After driving around for a bit Sarah said "do you want to go look at thev apartments you were interested in"? i didnt want to really but i went along.We chatted with the lady who was selling them,went to see it and it turned out to be gorgeous,one bedroom more than i wanted but i ended up buying it anyway,i have always been like that,impulsive.