Friday, November 13, 2009


Do you feel like me?Is Christmas really only once a year?The people i feel sorry for now are the ones who have been buying their kids mega expensive presents and putting it on credit cards and now cant do that.Where will the money come from,they already live way beyond their means,and this is a lot of normal people.So the kids will suffer,if you can call it that,by getting smaller,cheaper presents,the only trouble being that kids nowadays know when something is cheaper and they dont want to know about it.So what do we do about it?you cant cancel Christmas its Jesus Christs Birthday,now how many kids even realise that,the real reason for Christmas,its not so everyone can get sloshed with their mates,or gorge their heads off with the family over Christmas dinner with the Turkey and the Christmas Pudding.Dont get me wrong here i am not religous but i do know where Christmas came from and do appreciate the meaning of it.We all do it,We go for Christmas Lunches,Dinners,various get togethers and say Happy Christmas and smile but do we really appreciate the meaning of it because its religous whether you like it or not,or are we just free loaders along for the ride year after year.