Tuesday, October 06, 2009

Must try putting some pretty women on here

As a matter of fact i have the perfect two to start with,Christelle and Samira,then i could ask all the pretty girls who have worked for me down the years to send me a photo and i will put them up in lights,is that sexist or politically not correct,i suppose i would have to say the same thing to the boys who have worked as well,ok i will say it .What a strange way to start my blog.Must have been thinking about women i suppose,tho the last thing i did before coming on here was read an article in the news section of Google which said that Glastonbury 2010 had sold out in mega quick time,its their 40th anniversary which is amazing, and U2 are rumoured to be headlining.Pretty girls and music,sort of goes hand in hand i would say,particularly pop music.I mean to say when did you last see an ugly girl singer,now girls will be talented who are not lookers but they will never make the big stage,why is that ?i cant even think of one right now who has made it,accept maybe the lead singer of The Gossip but she is part of a very small select group.Music is a visual art but it is also an audio art and most musicians love to perform and the powers that be do not think we,the audience,should have to look at girl singers who do not measure up.Is this fair? write in and let me know your thoughts on whether ugly singers should be allowed on stage.

Sunday, October 04, 2009


Will you miss me when i am gone?now who was it sang that song?it is a song i am almost sure but is it a really old one?Well it was my Birthday today and last night i had a few drinks and a bit of Music with my friends Ian and Dan,it was real nice to see Lucy,Emma and Cass with boyfriends and husbands in toe,my friends Dave,Nigel,Conor and Phillipa,my sister Suzie,Jarek and Gary,my old friend Phil Gaffney,Paul my fridge man and his lady Wendyand Steve,Desula and Adam,Simon and Amy,John and Julie and to the 21 people who sent me texts to say they could not come thanks for letting me know.But my overriding thought last night was that i wont be really missed when i am gone,not that it will keep me awake at night because it wont but people are so busy nowadays that you almost have to give away free sweets to get people out,it also made me think about why people like me have music on and good music and people just ignore it and make excuses like he sings the same songs,i would like to remind you that most of the biggest artists in the world have been doing that for years and people want them to sing the same songs.Does this sound a bit moany? oh dear i guess i am falling into the old mans trap of things not being like they used to be.How and ever life goes on so i will soldier,i see the light at the end of the tunnel