Friday, November 24, 2006


Remember that?? when that Norweigen commentator lost it completely and went overboard after Norway beat England 1-0.That same comment might apply to the cricket in Australia at the moment but cricket is such a strange game that something can still be salvaged if someone can put in a big performance maybe Freddie Flintoff or Pieterson might come good tho its a long way uphill from here.
Going north tonight for a very special occasion,my daughter Naoises graduation ceremony,when Naoise will become the first EVER member of the ryan clan to have past through university,so as you may guess i am bursting with pride and would like to go on record and tell Naoise how proud i am of her,and wish her all the best in her chosen profession of journalism.She will be taking up a position on a really intense course in january,so she will need lots of best wishes.
Dont worry Emma i will be back for your birthday saturday night as will Neesh.Just been told the weather forecast is horrendous,great !!!!

Thursday, November 23, 2006

Getting the message thru

Today i have spoken with a couple of ladies from round here who have reiterated what i thought from the very start of my new venture,thats its going to take a few years for the master plan to come to fruition.These ladies were local but one of them arrived before the other and we had a conversation along the lines of "i didnt realise it had changed so much,my friend was here and she really loved it but i was a bit apprehensive" .That type of thing happens on a regular basis and all you do is keep at it and believe in what you are doing.People who have never met me or been here have a misguided impression of both me and the place.I realise people have apprehensions but why am i telling you,because if you are reading this you have more than likely been here ,anyway the back is almost back to normal now thank god and raki.

Wednesday, November 22, 2006


Today Jez,the chef man and the reason the witch is now a place to eat great food,done raki on my back.Whats Raki i hear you say,well i am really not sure but i think its something to do with positive energy and stuff like that.I woke up yesterday morning and my back was in agony,no reason i could think of,struggled through the day on nurofen,anadin and fleurie eventually dimmed the pain.This morning Jez suggested i try Raki,initially i thought it was one of his morrocan vegetarian dishes so refused,not at that time of the day,but when he explained i said why not,i dont like taking pills,not even for a hangover.And amazingly i feel a lot better,not completely cured,but definitely better.
We were very busy last night,people eating,people celebrating,it was Elaines birthday,happy birthday my dear,and people watching football.Unfortunately i dont have Sky anymore so we cant show the England home internationals as they are only on Sky.Gotta go now things to do,people to see.

Tuesday, November 21, 2006

NOTHING MUCH...........................

Its Tuesday morning 9.35 and life is pretty quiet,not a bad thing i might add,when one runs a public house.Not every day is the same,you never know who will come through your door,and even that can work both ways i.e some you will be really glad to see others not so.Thankfully the former is the more usual.Had an email from India the other day,from Lucy,and things are going really well for them.They have befriended a camel herder and they went on a camel safari spending a couple of nights in the desert under the open skies.Sounds exciting and they are having great fun,aaahh the yewt of today.
Its one of my favourite females birthdays this weekend,the delectable Emma.Now if you dont know Emma that is a shame because she is the sweetest person in the whole world,very thoughtful,but that does not mean she does not have a side to her,oh no she is not all sweetness and light,but that is what i like most about her,happy birthday Emma may you have many more happy days like i am sure your birthday will be.And by the way you might see a side of Emma that not many people have seen before,or so a little bird told me.