Thursday, December 07, 2006


The number at the bottom of the home page may confuse the mentally challenged amongst you.But i am a politically correct landlord(ye right) so i shall explain.Its a hit counter,and it records the amount of times people look at the website,so far 283 have looked in a couple of weeks,not bad for a little website.483 is the amount of bookings up to new year,tho we have room for lots more but again it is encouraging for us,and will ensure we are busy over the christmas period.16 is the amount of teams left in the champions league,with four english and one scottish team,marvellous really,and must almost guarantee someone in the final.Also all the english teams are through in the eufa cup,so its all looking good for the new year.75 is the amount of people already booked for new year,i am only having 100 people so get your skates on if you are tinking of coming,there will only be 100 places thats it.

Wednesday, December 06, 2006

Sheeeit 4got the damn time ting again


I have been frankly amazed by how many times i have heard that over the last 10 months or so since Jeremy Parsons took over the running of the kitchen here at the Witch.Now let me tell you straight off that my kitchen is not ideal by any means,and for Jez to produce what he does from there is a minor miracle.He is ably backed up by John Scillitoe and Johnny Voltage so called because he wants to be an electrician.We constantly strive to improve our product and to be honest its a full time job just to keep up with everything never mind moving on.For instance i have thought for ages that there is a market out there for business lunches,but so far i have not had the time to devote to getting them in.We get lots of ladies who lunch,and retired folks and we do get some" suits" but i believe there is more.I have upset one or two i suppose,one in particular i remember,some teachers from harlands school used to come in every friday lunchtime during scool term,they were mainly very nice people,however one day one of them brought her own lunch and proceeded to eat it in my garden,when i pointed out to her the inappropriatness of her actions,i was met with "we come here and spend loads of money" from one of them, so thats meant to allow one of them to bring her own lunch to the pub,where does it all end.Well it all ended there for me because they never came back,and i have managed to survive,just,without them.But is it any wonder that some kids take the piss when some of their teachers do.I rest my case your honour

Tuesday, December 05, 2006

Cant believe i forgot



Well its not that amazing,but ive just noticed there is a time slot at the bottom of all these blogs and they vary wildly,there is a very good reason for this ,i am supposed to log the time of the blog as i do it,me of course being a bit dense when it comes to techno tings had no clue but cmon gimme some credit here i discovered it all by meself.So from now on you can complain to the complaints department if you notice the wrong time.Where is the complaints dept i hear you ask,well we dont actually have one yet on account of we have had no complaints,so we will open it then,ok moving on just in case the girls in vietnam are reading this and i will wanna know why if they are not, HI to you all girls,i watched a fillum last night called Full Metal Jacket which at the time i thought wasnt that good but since then i find myself thinking about it so i guess it worked.I hope those little fellas put the place back together after that war otherwise you girls are gonna find find yourselves" in a world of shit",sorry bout the bad language,just usin a bit of poetic licence.That quote is from the fillum.There was lots of shootin,killin,bad language,no sex tho so ye can watch it with yer ma.
Right thats enough of that for the day,except to mention the cricket.I did say cricket is a strange game and yesterday proved that.I will say no more about it.

Monday, December 04, 2006


We will probably close on monday lunch times in the new year,till april unless we can sort out someone to maybe do a reduced menu.The problem is that john our second chef wants to do a ski season and i dont want to lose him completely so we have come to an amicable arrangement where we want to keep his job for him,because he is a very talented chef and a great guy who grafts his ass off,so i figure its a thing that all young folk should do so i am doing the right thing by him.Anyway thats why we may close on mon lunch time to give jez the main man at least one day a week off.Audrey my old cook would be perfect as she is retired but she may not fancy it.As i say its only one day a week might suit someone,you never know.
Guess the cramp has gone,cant stop writing crap,mind you it beats listening to it,my god when i think how much of that i have listened to over the last twenty years,mountains of it,but i do have to say that there is enough sound heads about to more than make up for the ones who are so far up their own back sides they dont even realise it.They come in all shapes and sizes,and they can be any sex or any colour,a twat is a twat in all languages.When i came here a guy said to me i should keep a diary,i wish now i had,it would make a great sit com,tho some of it would have to be on very late.I was chatting the other day with some of my old clientele ,girls of between 25 and 30 years of age and we were laughing about old times and i feel priviliged to have given so much fun to so many people.Going back to work now gonna have tonight off as i might not get many more chances before christmas.


At this time of the year people change,all of a sudden a spirit descends over them, they become deliriously happy,they want to play stupid games,kiss their secretary who they treat like **** the rest of the year,drink copious amounts of things they never heard of,get sick in their best suit,and some even wanna sing,god forbid ye can put up with all the other stuff but drunk singing now that is where the line is drawn.Mind you having said all that on saturday night we had a really great party with a really great crowd who did the drinking and the singing and were a joy,lets hope the rest of christmas is nearly as good.
The cricket looks like a draw,with one day left and at the very least Engerland showed what they are made of.Otherwise,in sport nothing much occurred over the weekend out of the ordinary .Must have that writers cramp,least i think its the writing variety,coz i have dried up,well i gotta go work now so thats it.