Saturday, June 16, 2007


Do you have to remind your kids,with a couple of subtle hints or do you just not bother any more.I dont remember ever remembering it when i were a lad,dont even remember it existing,though it must have i suppose.Mind you when i were a lad things were different,we didnt sit in all the time watching crap on the god that is tv,we went out somewhere,anywhere and did stuff,whatever was in we played it and if there was nothing in we made it up.Imagination,something that is completely lacking in most youngsters these days,everything is fed to them on a plate,be it crap or not they lap it all up and whats worse they believe it.But our imaginations were all we had,and whether your dreams were of playing in the cup final at wembley,or heading a rock band on a tour of the world or being a doctor or even a priest god forbid.I suppose the world has changed since the innocent days of the sixties,when i was growing up and the russians were going to nuke america,president kennedy was getting killed along with his brother bobby and people were wearing flowers in their hair and going to san francisco and vietnam.All seems so long ago now,with a whole new set of people wanting to blow us all up for some cause or religion or just for the crack.Dont kow where that all came from but thats bloggin for ye.

Friday, June 15, 2007


Went to London town yesterday,not to see the Queen though i was very near her house,i went to the 02 WIRELESS FESTIVAL next door in Hyde Park.Met up with my daughter and her friend Helen.We saw the Thrills,Queen of the Stone Age and one of my favourite live bands the White Stripes.There was lots going on other than what we saw,there was 5 seperate stages and lots of side shows.Thought it was going to rain most of the night but thankully it stayed away.All the bands we saw were excellent with the White Stripes taking the biscuit.As usual at this type of thing the two biggest twats in the place stood directly in front of us,but fortunately it did not spoil our night.You see some very weird and wonderful people at festivals,a myriad of life,all ages from the very youngest to the very oldest,some great looking people and some not so great.The air smells of weed and B O though probably not as bad as Glastonbury which starts next weekend,and which is the festival of all festivals,and i am very jealous of everyone who is going.Maybe next year i always tell myself every year,but i am never organised enough.My daughter is going as is most of her friends,while once again i will follow it on tv with those annoying presenters,trying to act like they are getting down and dirty,when they are so not.

Wednesday, June 13, 2007


For as long as i can remember i have run a cricket team here at the Witch,its great fun and a good way to integrate people.Going back over the years to the early days i used to have sunday games and mid week games,but to be honest the sunday games took too much time up and put me under too much pressure,with a pub to run as well.It was too difficult to get a team that could be competetive because most of the good cricketers play for teams every week.Tonight we play the Jolly Tanners at Staplefield,and last week we kicked off the season with a win against the Royal Oak from Lewes.
As i have said before on here we are now serving food all day saturdays till 9.30 and all day sundays till 8 o clock,so if you havent given us a try yet then i dont think you would be reading this.Going to go now don my almost white gear and go kick some stapefield ass,if you get my drift.

Monday, June 11, 2007


In our quest for global domination,in a purely local Lindfield sense, of course,we are well on track.The people are coming in greater numbers,especially if you go by today.Monday lunchtimes can be really really quiet but today we did about 40 lunches which is quite good for us,well very good actually.The weekend was very very good,and most rewarding with people constantly heaping praise on the kitchen,and returning week in week out.I know the most difficult thing is to maintain standards and not get carried away with any success you might have,but i am used to pressure from my days in football,when every game you had to produce the goods or you were out,a similar thing occurs in this game,you have to keep producing the goods or you will be out with the washing.Word of mouth is both the best thing in the world and the worst.People will listen to whispers whether you like it or not so it is much better they are saying nice things rather than bad.

Sunday, June 10, 2007


No i am not still going on about La Manga last week where i was also a Celebrity but today i have just returned from Christ Hospital school in Horsham,where i took part in an iniative to raise awareness of the Olympic Games 2012 which as we all know will be held in London,but a lot of the sports will be held in various places round the country and today a group of interested parties i.e mid sussex district council put on a days events up in the school grounds ,which if you have never been there is magnificent, the highlight of which was a celebrity 3 a side team played two 15 minute games against the two winners of the under 14 and 15 sections.Might sound easy but these kids can run and run and in the end we prevailed but only just.I enjoyed it and scored a couple of goals as well,so it was quite a rewarding day all round.Business is still going from strength to strength,and i had a real busy 6 hours before playing,something that i never did before.By the way i am playing in Kerry Mayos Testimonial match against Reading at the end of July so i will have to be a bit fitter for that.All that reminds me of something,a few weeks back a very good friend of mine Julian Purvey had a very big birthday at the Birch hotel which i was supposed to attend,unfortunately i got let down by staff and had to call on the services of my partner Teresa and my very good friend Ciaran to help out on what turned out to be a very busy night.I want to say a very belated HAPPY BITHDAY TO JULES,a lifelong supporter of the ALBION AND SUSSEX,and a lovely man.Hopefully this will publish
