Apologies to all you regular readers,but there will be no news for about five days,be back on about the eighth.
Apologies to all you regular readers,but there will be no news for about five days,be back on about the eighth.
Either i am very bored or very not busy you will be tinkin ,well its neither.Had a very busy morning,somebody had sorted my flood before i got to it and then i cleaned my Beer lines which took me a couple of hours,i also took the coolers and chillers out and gave them a good brush down,and boy did they need it.It never ceases to amaze me the things you learn in this business i wouldnt say daily but regularly.I discovered the other day from paul my refrigeration guy that the chillers will not work at their full capacity unless the condenser is kept free of fluff,so if your wine has been a litte less cold than it should have been,apologies.Also i have had a problem with my glasswasher for months,that was finally cleared up at the third attempt by an engineer.Its a bit annoying when that happens because you are trying to do something right and you are stopped in your tracks by a third party,but finally its sorted
Hope i spelled that right but Adriana the lovely girl who worked here for a few months and then moved to China to teach has been in touch a couple of times,and i told her i would mention her on the blog so here you are Adriana there for all to see on the world wide web.I was sorry to lose her,she was brilliant at what she did,and i know she was trained in computers which only makes your achievements even more impressive.Had a lovely day out in Brighton yesterday,met an old friend Dave "the lion man" Day.He is a remarkable man the same Dave,to see him you would immediately form an impression of a flash bastard,he always wears beautiful suits,loads of gold bracelets,rings,neclaces etc and all emblazoned with lions heads.He has a pub company called The Golden Lion Group,and a lot of the newer establishments will be called something to do with lions.But a nicer kinder gentleman you will never meet,he is a very very generous man,and supports cricket and football in the town,and also supports local football.He was a part of my testimonial committee in 1986 so we have known each other at least 20 years,and i have great respect for what he has done in his life because he started with nothing.
Now i know how blues songs were first thought of,"my baby left me","the rain is comin down" etc etc etc are typical of blues songs and today is a typical day on which you would write a blues song.There is not much worse than a wet bank holiday monday in may,the football season has finished,you get no cricket,the country fair will be a washout as usual,and if you got kids you are really screwed.For us in the pub/restaurant game we too are screwed,normally we would expect to be really busy,but on a day like today not many people will venture out,still maybe i will write a blues song to pass the time.Last night went really well,THE PIANO MAN was on top form as were a few others and a good time was had by all.Not much to write about today,so i will sign off.
Its happened again,i did a big long blog explaining exactly where we are and where we are going,and it disappeared into thin air,so frustrating aaaaggggghhhhhhh.There thats got rid of some of the frustration,i spent ages doing that blog,tinkin bout tings that happened,and putting the world to rights and it all goes up in smoke,trouble is who do you complain to and what good would that do,even blogger man probably has no idea what happened.Its gone now all of that stuff,that was yesterdays thoughts,today is a different day tho i will go back to it at some stage.I did a sort of an update,in the beginning i did them every month,used to post them out front so people could see,without coming in,some never did come in of course,but then again they dont go in anywhere so i dont take it personally,its the ones who do come in walk around look at the menus turn their noses up and walk out that are most annoying,they say nothing,just skulk out.I know we wont be everyones cup of tea but we have had enough compliments from all different sorts of folks to know that we are doing something right,so when people judge without seeing the evidence it a bit grating,but that their loss.Anyway once again time is catching up with me,i am sure they will write that on my tombstone,"TIME FINALLY CAUGHT UP WITH RYAN" not a bad ting to have on your tombstone.