Sunday, April 27, 2008


Have not heard a dickie bird from the builders in about four weeks.Not since he asked me for three thousand pounds for supplies.Two steel girders showed up but no more supplies or no more builders.So i have sacked them by text as they will not answer the phone.So my great plan for world domination is on temporary hold.To say i am disappointed would be an understatement.It has put me back so much.
Getting away from that subject,and i need to,the weather has taken a turn for the better.The sun has appeared so the shorts come out.That usually means an increase in trading as the garden comes into play and more people are roaming about.As i said in an earlier post we have two new chefs in position,one has already started actually and has just completed his first week.The other one starts on the 1st May,which believe it or not is this thurs.Isnt that the first day of Summer?Mein Gott where does the time go? Jesus i sound just like my dad,but if i think a little more i am only 17 years off when my dad died,so i can be forgiven.
Bank holiday weekend coming up and i feel a lot stronger now so i might have a bit of a sing song with my old mate Ian next sun night,i will call him and see what he is doing .Will let you know when i do.