Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Dont let your babies grow up to be Chefs

Cowboys that should be in the title,and Willie Nelson sang it,and its a good song.Its just something happened last week which both pissed me off and reaffirmed an impression i have had for a while.Let me tell you the full story.My previous chef was an extremely hard worker and he was good,but like most chefs he had his problems,money being a major one,but not the only one.He came in early, sometimes at 8 o clock ,which i have never known any chef do,but he put all the cookers,fryers and grills on.So now for 6 days a week the electric and gas is going for 18 hours longer than neccessary thats about 1000 hours a year which comes to money.Anyway,thats just come to me.He drank energy drinks like they were going out of fashion,wrote most of them in my book which meant it cost me,he did pay for one or two mind.He told me he was splitting up from his wife and moving to London,then he told me he had got another job with Barclays Bank,but he was not going to let me down he was still going to drive down from Central London,when he had finished at Barclays,be with me at 6.30 and work Tues night,Thurs night,Fri night and Sat night Dean another chef was going to do Wed night and all day Sun and all i had to do was find someone to do all the lunch times from Tues to Sat.Now if those chefs exist, i dont know but if they do,but why should i put myself under so much pressure dealing with 3 chefs none of whom actually count me as their employer,with Christmas coming it would be the stuff of nightmares,i could quite conceivably end up with no chefs on some nights.Sorry to go on guys but it gets worse.On Friday,i went for a well earned massage and reflexology with Lisa at the Olympos gym.In the middle of it all i get a call from the chef saying his dad had had a heart attack in London and he had to rush up there,but he needed money,so i said come up i will give you some.I paid him for 4 days work even though he worked 3 and a half and he also owed me £30 pounds .I had to get an agency chef to work over the weekend which cost me an arm and a leg and he was meant to come back on Monday to do the two groups i had booked one 14 one 12.He rang me to say he would be in at 12 to do 10 hours work for £100 ok?i informed him that he owed me half a day and £30 he replied i wont be in then,so much for Honesty.I tried 4 agencies but none could supply me with a chef so at 4 o clock i cancelled both bookings.That was my weekend.Somebody said i should put an ad in a lonely hearts mag advertising for a lady chef,so here it is folks,form an orderly que ladies,step right up meet your next husband.